Amidst the captivating backdrop of the Himalayas, the visit of ASPAC Chair Belle Garcia with KI Trustee Designate Mohan Lamsal sheds light on the vital work carried out by the Wis-Autism Foundation, a signature project of Kiwanis Club of Kathmandu Nepalaya, providing high priced special therapy for the children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and down syndrome in Nepal District. She also had a fun interaction with the children of KKids Kiwanis Kavya-Kriti and KKids Kiwanis Club of Jaya Brighter Future Life.
Moreover, an engaging television interview on Kiwanis works with the Kiwanis Club of Marigold and Laliguras further emphasized unity and progress to resonate with the symbolism of Nepal's national flower, Laliguras, which echoes the transformative power of compassion and collaboration, inspiring us to continue nurturing dreams and fostering change.
#KiwanisASPAC #Kiwanis #KiwanisNepal #KidsNeedKiwanis