Serving the Children of the World™

Kiwanis Youth Protection Week 2023

Kiwanis International is observing Youth Protection Week on October 9-13, 2023, a dedicated time to emphasize the significance of safeguarding children within our communities. This annual initiative serves as poignant reminder of our collective responsibility to create safe environments where young minds can thrive and grow.

Sign up for a webinar during Youth Protection Week, and learn how to educate fellow club members. Learn more at

Awareness lies at the heart of child protection, and during Youth Protection Week, Kiwanis reaffirms its commitment to raising awareness about the critical issues children may face. It is imperative that we continue to educate ourselves and others about the signs of child abuse, online safety, and the measures we can take to ensure the well-being of our youth.

By fostering a culture of vigilance and proactive intervention, we strengthen our communities, demonstrating that every child's safety is a priority worth championing year-round.