Serving the Children of the World™

Empowering Communities: Kiwanis Club of Rupandehi Lumbini’s Impactful Service

With a passion for service at its compass, the Kiwanis Club of Rupandehi Lumbini in the Kiwanis Nepal District took proactive steps to uplift communities by distributing warm clothing and school supplies to almost one thousand students of numerous schools in the Rupendehi District; Shree Saraswoti Primary School, Shree Semarabazar Secondary School, Shree Gautam Buddha Secondary School, Shree Kotimai Misuju Primary School, Shree Shanti Namuna Secondary School, Shree Janata Secondary School and Shree Uma Primary School.

In the eyes of those children, the club members' generosity demonstrated the influence of collective goodwill and service of Kiwanis.