On a day filled with the spirit of collective action, the Kiwanis clubs of Division 3C1 in Philippine Luzon District took a captivating journey into the heart of nature's sanctuary during Kiwanis One Day 2023. Here, they planted 350 native Bignay trees within La Mesa Dam earth reservoir, aligning harmoniously with the vision of the Kiwanis Asia-Pacific Green Generation Campaign.
These trees, known as the wild cherry or currant trees, with small, tangy berries that transform into a sweet and tart symphony upon ripening. But the charm of the Bignay tree extends beyond its fruit; it whispers stories of vitality and the gifts of antioxidants, akin to the tales spun by a seasoned storyteller. The clusters of Bignay fruit, reminiscent of vibrant grapes and cranberry-like allure for crafting a unique wine.
In Division 3C1's project, we find not only a tribute to the environment but also the Kiwanis community's unyielding dedication to making a meaningful mark. As we immerse ourselves in Kiwanis One Day and the ASPAC Green Generation Campaign, Division 3C1's tree-planting venture stands as a poignant reminder of our collective duty to safeguard the natural world, fostering a legacy that transcends time for our children.